The Snowland Farm in the Tibetan Children’s Village TCV Chauntra in Northern India (Bir)

A detailed final report on 6 pages and 26 pages with pictures can be found at.

Successes 2019

History of the development and key points of planning and implementation

History of the development
In long discussions we (the management of all 8 Tibetan children’s villages in India) and I developed the so-called “DhasaCowsmilk Project” in 2016/17:
The overall project is that we will successively add a cowshed with cows to all children’s villages, IF the pilot project is a success.

Basis and background of the project was a detailed nutritional analysis of the then still 8500 children between 5 and 15 – 18 years living in the 8 large children’s villages (TCVs = Tibetan Children Villages) in India. This nutritional analysis conducted in 2016 from detailed weekly plans showed that the children only cover 50% of their calcium needs (due to cost, there is hardly any milk). Protein intake is just at the lower limit, as the children receive little milk, no meat and few eggs. These are on the one hand cost reasons but also hygiene reasons , because there are still no refrigerators in the individual family homes (even 2021)!!! There are only in the few large kitchens and perhaps small (private) refrigerators of the housemothers. For details please read the detailed project report. This project is intended as a sustainable solution to supply the children with high quality milk and thus protein and sufficient calcium.

After I had prepared a detailed overall concept in 2016/17, we decided in May 2017 to carry out this pilot project in TCV Chauntra, which is particularly well suited for various reasons.

In the north Indian town of Bir, where TVC Chauntra is located (about 3-4 hours drive from Dharamsala (the city of the Dalai Lama), also at the foot of the Himalayas), there is a veterinary clinic with the director Dr. Amit Sen, who strongly supports us in this project.

Back in Switzerland, through the organization “Mother Cow Switzerland”, I met a Swiss specialist for cows and stables, Hans Ziswiler, vice-director of the largest (beef) cattle trading company Vianco in Switzerland. He was so enthusiastic about our idea that he spontaneously agreed to join us! He even managed to get a barn plan drawn by the company Krüger in Switzerland, which they donated to us!

In November 2017, I then organized a trip to Dharamsala for the first time to discuss the final arrangements for the start of the first stable construction in the spring. Not only our Swiss specialist for stables and cows accompanied me, but also his partner Petra, a veterinarian. Hans only gets his travel expenses reimbursed (economy class flight) and takes private leave to help us. This is anything but a matter of course nowadays and Petra not only sacrificed her private vacation, but even paid for the trip herself! We then had a very intensive week, together with the local architect, a former TCV student, who also offered his help free of charge, as well as the construction leader Mr. Yeshi Dhondup. the head of the official construction group of all TCV’s from Dharamsala, and were able to discuss everything necessary intensively.

And – here the boss works personally: Our inner working group consisted and still consists of the general secretary of all TCVs, Lobsang Tsomo-la, and me, the 3rd (and most important) partner is the school director Passang Tsering-la personally and not a seconded assistant. This shows us how important this project is taken. On the last day, at the final meeting with the president of all TCV’s, Thupten Dorjee-la, we had received the green light for a start of construction in spring 2018!

What happened so far: 2018 – fall 2019
(and thereafter: 2020 and until May 2021)

Construction began on January 19, 2018, which was chosen as a particularly auspicious day for the start of the big project. And – unbelievable – at the beginning of March you could already see the foundation and the first walls were growing out of the ground! When I visited the TCV Chauntra in April – alone again (in spring I always do 4 weeks of nutrition training in alternately 4 different TCVs in India), I made a leap of joy out of excitement about the construction progress. The pictures that Passang Tsering-la then sent me in July showed the shell construction already well advanced!

On the second joint trip with our specialist Hans and his wife Petra in the fall of 2018, the barn was largely completed. We were mega-surprised how fast the beginnings went. But then came the first problems, which, as always, lie in the details: We had sent from Switzerland – very costly – 3 semi-automatic double drinkers, because we wanted to install a closed drinking system for hygienic reasons. First the transport takes half a year – they got stuck in customs – and then the people on site had problems to install the drinkers despite the detailed instruction from Hans.

The outdoor facility also took longer than expected and in the end the feeding grids were also a problem, since such an open feeding facility and a free-range barn is not known there.

Autumn 2019 – the third joint trip to India

Hans, Petra and I then went to India together for the third time in the fall of 2019. In the meantime, they had managed to construct the feeding fences from bent iron tubes according to our exact templates and – from the pictures – it looked quite promising. We were also very curious to see if they could finally mount the drinkers – in spring 2019 (when I visited alone) they were still standing around on the floor….

The facility is a modern free stall barn based on the Swiss model with a large movement hall and on one long side each the feeding area, which is only separated by the feeding fences and actually has no feeding troughs as in the past. On the other side is the sleeping area, which is filled with deep litter (short rice straw) so that the cows can lie comfortably. This is all a bit unusual for the Tibetans and especially the Indian stable boy and we each needed a lot of convincing that they do it the way we wanted.

So we arrived the 3rd time in the office of the school director and still had no information about any cows! And then came the surprise: First we each got a comprehensive work about animal-friendly cow husbandry in India given by the director personally (!) and then he grinned at us and said: “Today come the first 5 cows with 3 calves, the other two are highly pregnant”!

We didn’t say anything at first, and then everyone talked in confusion. We couldn’t believe it: 3 years of intensive work should bring their fruits on this day!
In the afternoon it started: First came 2 cows with calves and Hans and Petra took the first one immediately: After all, they also financed a cow! She is christened “Grace” and her little 14-day-old calf Sophia. Hans carried it into the barn himself! At the beginning we had to tie up the cows, because – normal in India – the stable was not quite finished yet. There were still some drainages missing, the deep litter and also the calf pen was not finished yet. “no problem”, in the last 3 years we have learned not to get upset anymore. We are not in Switzerland after all…. By the evening all 5 cows and 3 calves had arrived and were well housed.

The next day was the official inauguration. A high lama came from one of the neighboring monasteries and pretty much incense us and the cows while praying many mantras and wishing us luck with the cowshed and the cows. The whole cowshed was decorated inside and out with Tibetan flags, the TCV kids were all wearing their Tibetan costumes and it was all very ceremonial. I had to cut the string at the entrance. But then especially the children flocked to admire the cows. In the end we had to push them out with gentle force, because the cows needed rest urgently. The new (Indian) stable boy and his helper had their hands full. And – solemnly the first cow was milked and the milk was handed over to one of the housemothers, who could give it to the children to drink for the first time – after boiling it!

In between there were many speeches and honors, as it is so usual. Dr. Amit Sen also came to celebrate the opening with us. The next day we stayed in the cowshed to critically follow the beginnings. We made lists of things that were still missing, answered many children’s questions and were happy all around for the time being.

Of course, there were still some things missing, such as the outdoor facilities, which were not finished until spring 2020, but the start had been made!


Corona year 2020 until spring 2022

THAT was really a hard time: Since 2 1/2 years no more travels to India were possible!!! It was the most difficult time with this project so far: Everything had to be “remote-controlled” by e-mail between Switzerland and India. But – in spite of all difficulties (India itself was one of the most affected Corona countries) we continued. Several calves were born, the outdoor facilities were completed and the cows are now allowed to graze outside. In the spring of 2021, the Schuldirketor Passan Tsering-la, with the help of the local veterinarian Dr. Amid Sen, bought another 4 cows! His commitment has been unwavering since the beginning of 2017! Now we have a herd of 10 cows and 5 calves, fortunately 4 of them “girls” and only one male calf. 4 meanwhile adult male calves have been given away to poor Indian farmers. After all, this is also a good deed and the farmers were extremely happy. NOW we already have our “target size” of the small herd with 15 cows.

Funding 2017 – end 2023

We had already brought the budget together in 2017, thanks to great support from the Heinrich Harrer Foundation, Liechtenstein, TibetFreunde Switzerland and the umbrella foundation “Corymbo”, Switzerland. But there have also been many individual donations that have helped to reach our target budget of 75,000 CHF. The Snowland Children Foundation itself, which was officially founded in May 2017, contributed 25,000 CHF to the total budget.

The total budget is calculated so that we could build the cowshed, buy the first 5 cows, as well as run the cowshed for the first year. After that, we thought that the cowshed could be supported by the TCV Chauntra itself. This calculation was a mistake in that the TCVs as a whole have been running a deficit of about 500,000 CHF since 2018. There are many reasons for this, which can be found in the detailed project report. In the meantime, we have looked for and also partially found additional financing.

On April 25, 2022, I will go to India to Snowland Farm for the first time after the Corona period and discuss the current situation there, also with Sonam Sichoe-la, the new president of all TCV’s since April 1. Thupten Dorjee-la has retired with the 31st of March.

Our cows

We had started to arrange so-called “cow sponsorships” for certain cows. For 1,000 CHF one can “buy” a cow and its care for the first two years. Of course, this also includes the right to name the cow and her first calf.

With the financial crisis of the TCVs we are still looking for “cow sponsors” who are willing to either cover the running costs of 900,- CHF per year and cow for 3-4 years or even donate another 1,000 CHF as we want to buy more cows. Once we then have a herd of 15 adult dairy cows, the barn will hopefully be able to pay for itself each year through the sale of the calves! We have – as I said – guaranteed TCV Chauntra that we will continue to cover the running costs of “Snowland Farm” until the end of 2023 at the most. After that they MUST be self-financing, as we would like to tackle the next cow barn at the latest then!


If we have piqued your interest, please contact me, the Foundation Board President, for more information about the project:
Dr. Bianca-Maria Exl-Preysch (

Hans and Bianca at the hotel in Bir

Spring 2022: 10 cows – 5 calves – and happy TCV children

The Snowland Farm – in operation since 2019

She loves this calf

A little rest is called for

The milking stool is already ready

The cows enjoy the free run directly from the barn

Want a little extra weed?

The calves are doing really well

The barn still looks good after 3 years

Here it goes directly from the stable to the meadow

So proud is our TCV girl

Not only calves, but also dogs enjoy it

It is clean and airy

He is in love with his calf

The children also visit the cows in the barn

Here is the milk for the children

No, all four love the calf

The eating area is spotless!

Meanwhile, the milk is enough

So much tenderness for the calf!

The newly sown pasture is great!

And again the cows enjoy the fresh air

Corona spring 2021
– a new calf, our cows and “looking for more cows”.

A new calf will be born in spring 2021

The cows sate on good bedding

Also here you can see well the depth bedding

Cows are inspected in the surrounding area

The mom is so happy about the offspring

The windows are wonderfully covered in winter

They look quite happy, don’t they?

Some do look quite promising!

Good bedding and the cloth protect our calf

You can see well the free running area

This is the feeding part covered with mats

4 new cows are to be! We will still learn which then finally selected!

Pictures from spring 2020: the pasture and the run around the stable is ready – the children like to help

Meanwhile, the grass is reseeded

The calves grow quite quickly

Big cleaning when the cows are outside

The cows are very happy

Everything is noted on the bulletin board

Even the walls are washed off!

They obviously like it

The children like to help in the stable

A new space is created between the stable and the warehouse

Chronology in pictures

A detailed report with even more pictures can be found under “Projects 2019”.


Hans and Petra (the specialists from Switzerland) 2017 the first time at the entrance of the overall administration

Passang Tsering-la and the veterinarian Dr. Amit Sen, our local consultant, head of a breeding station nearby

Meeting with the president of all 8 children’s villages with about 8,000 children between 5 and 18 years, Thupten Dorjee-la

The school director Passang Tsering-la together with the construction manager

My huge joy in the spring of 2018 about the progress!

You can see more than clearly the large cowshed in the making!

The pictures show the progress of the construction work in spring 2018 and in July 2018. Hans and Petra were also there for the second time in autumn 2018. Without their valuable advice we would not have progressed! In the spring of 2019, the cowshed is ready, even if it still needs some interior work. But – a year of construction (in India!) is amazingly fast. Of course, the outside area still needs to be designed as well.

Of course, one must not forget in India that during the monsoon from July to September hardly anything can be done outside!



The exterior view of the cowshed in autumn 2018

The interior view of the playpen

Die Kinder in der Schule

The attic, which provides good ventilation

Here we show how to make the partitions

There was always something to talk about…

Die Kinder in der Schule

A big problem: The semi-automatic drinkers from Switzerland…

Intensive meetings on the premises

Lively first discussions with the (donated) construction plan of the company Krieger, Switzerland, and all participants in the TCV Chauntra

Die Kinder in der Schule

So to speak the living room of the cows in July 2018

The sleeping area of the cows with later deep bedding

Side view of almost finished barn in July 2018

Die Kinder in der Schule

The stable from afar in July 2018

In the spring of 2019, the barn is essentially completed

Passang Tsering-la enters the stable through the new gate – beaming with joy!

In March 2019, the barn is almost ready!

In the fall of 2018, the outdoor facilities were added! However, this only concerns the enclosures, and the ground has not yet been cleared and replanted…

The school director Passang Tsering-la together with the veterinary advisor

The future fences

Die Kinder in der Schule

Future fence stock

Here is the first fence

The fence for the future run

Die Kinder in der Schule

And so it goes on…

In the spring of 2019, we will finally get pictures with the progress on the feed grids between the free stall and feed area.

The feed is placed on the left and the cows eat through the feed fences. Later it turns out that we have measured the distance with 40 cm too large for Indian Jalb Jersey cows: They can easily run through and the calves anyway: First we make a temporary solution of ropes and later they make cross tubes, which of course looks much more professional.

You can see here from the feeding area through the feeding fences into the free range area

Our exact drawing for the partitions as a template

Unfortunately, here you can still see the watering systems standing on the ground

In the fall of 2019 we can celebrate the great success: The cowshed is ready for occupancy, even if not 100%.

The third time with Hans and Petra in India and – the first 5 cows with 3 calves actually arrive. The surprise has succeeded, we had no information and no idea until the last day!

The director Passang Tsering proudly shows us his book about animal husbandry in India. He has unloaded everything from the Internet!

Also Hans and Petra get 2 books about “Good animal husbandry in India” and “Animal friendly animal husbandry”.

Hans takes a well-deserved break with the TCV dogs. Each “house” has an associated dog, which are very loved

The first two cows arrive with their calves. Petra looks closely!

We have found 2 Indians who will work as grooms.

The “cow godparents” choose names and get a sign hung above their cow

Of course, the baby calves are particularly coveted. But – she would still prefer milk alas grass

In the evening, the first milking!

For the grand opening of the “Snowland Farm Chauntra” there are special invitations!

The children are festively dressed

The children are also all festively dressed and excited

The president of all TCVs, Thupten Dorjee-la, congratulates us all on the success

Hans and Petra came 3 times privately, only Hans had been paid an Eco flight!

Our first main mission is finished – we are waiting in Dharamsala for the plane to Delhi

As soon as they have acclimatized somewhat, the calves start drinking

Hans does not miss the opportunity to carry “his” calf inside

Hans takes touching care of the cows and their calves

Now the third cow has also arrived with her calf

The first milk is in the bucket!

Quite solemnly, the entrance is closed with a ribbon that I have to cut

The housemothers in front of the Snowland sign

Tibetan lucky sashes (kathas) hang everywhere in the stable as well

The general secretary Lobsang Tsomo-la and Hans have great joy

The next day, Hans is “poked” again by the children. He still loves to do that!

Hans and Bianca in front of the plane to Delhi – Petra works as a photographer

The second cow and her calf also make themselves comfortable

Hans proudly hangs up the plaque with the name of her cow “Grace”

Soon the children come and want to see the cows

So many kids want to see the cows that we have to take “shifts”!

The first milk for the children (with boiling off)

A high lama recites mantras and incenses us….

The TCV President Thupten Dorjee-la

It steams and smokes around the barn. Hopefully it doesn’t bother the cows.

Hans and school director Passang Tsering-la deserve the most merit

The cows seem to be happy – finally the hype is over and they can eat in peace

Kelsang-la, the TCV Chauntra secretary, gets as an additional task the supervision of the Snowland Farm.

More work at Snowland Farm: Late autumn 2019

The children clean the outdoor area for the cows

Finally comes the first real hay!

A kind of carpets serve as windbreaks in front of the open lattice windows

Now they have built a trough in the feeding area after all – we are not very happy with it!

Autumn 2019: The children are so happy with the first cows

Subsequently, the outdoor area is leveled and then reseeded

It is beautiful hay from Punjab

The windbreak from the outside – it looks really posh!

This is how it still looked in the fall: A temporary solution at the feeding fence, but no feeding trough!

One of the 3 first cows with calf

And at the end of January 2020, the cows will be outside for the first time!

The stairs to the hayloft is still missing

The cows seem to be comfortable in the deep litter sleeping area, some of the rice litter is also eaten

The school director Passnag Tasering-la himself carries the first calf born in our barn on November 12, 2019!!!